News & events in the Winterbournes
Church Services during February
Sunday 2nd February: Presentation in the Temple (Candlemass)
11am St Martin, Martinstown- Holy Communion
3pm St Mary, Winterbourne Abbas-Messy Christingle Service
Sunday 9th February 4 before Lent
9.30am St Thomas, Compton Valence-Holy Communion
11am St Martin, Martinstown-Holy Communion
Sunday 16th February 3 before Lent
10am St Mary, Winterbourne Abbas-Worship Together
11am St Martin, Martinstown- Morning Prayer
Sunday 23rd February 2 before Lent
11am St Martin, Martinstown- Holy Communion
There’s lots going on in the churches during Lent!
Don’t miss out and put these dates in your diaries!
Here's the leaflet
Ash Wednesday 5th March
Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes
9.30am at St Martin’s Church, Martinstown
Begin your Lenten journey with an act of repentance
and a commitment to follow Jesus
Through the week in Lent
Tuesday Holy Communion with Reflections
9.30am St Martins Church, Martinstown
Wednesday Meditations on the Cross
5pm St Martins Church, Martinstown
A devotional reflection on Jesus’ journey to the Cross
LENT LUNCHES: The beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, heralds the start of this year’s Lent Lunches!
Come along on Fridays 14, 21 and 28 March and 11 April, to enjoy a Lent lunch consisting of homemade soup and bread followed by a cup of tea or coffee. The lunches will be held in the Village Hall at 12.30pm. The cost will again be a minimum of £5.00 and the proceeds, after the deduction of expenses, will be donated to the Weymouth Food Bank. Last year we raised £500 – can we do better in 2025? This is an opportunity for members of our community to come together, jointly to offer support to those less fortunate than ourselves. While we share a simple lunch on one day we can provide the means for families to have a meal who may otherwise go hungry.
Everyone is welcome and there is no need to book. However, if you intend to join us as a large party, please let us know.Contact Cathie (889244) or Nigel (889910)
How do Christians know and worship God? This Pilgrim Course from the Church of England uses one of the greatest Christian treasures, The Lord's Prayer, to explore prayer and reveal more about what God is like.
Tuesdays 4th March-8th April, 3.30pm
at The Rectory, Martinstown
Please contact Rev Teresa (01305 549242- to sign up
FOR YOUR PRAYERS: Among those in special need: Alice, Allen Knott as he begins a new chapter in his ministry
Remember those who have died recently- Colin Batson
And those whose Year's Mind falls this month: Nigel Singleton, John Williams, Philip Trent, Sonia Braidwood
If you would like a prayer request included please contact Rev Teresa ( 01305 549242)
Sat 1st Feb – Sun 9th Feb
Come and walk/drive through our beautiful village and see the stunning white drifts of snowdrops.
The village hall is just below the church
To book please ring or email so that we can cater accordingly
TESSA RUSSELL – Tel ; 01308482227 mob;07818037184
email ;
Pre booked guests will take priority as the hall is small.
In bad/icy weather we may not be open
Please be considerate of our village/verges etc when parking
Or ring us to discuss your needs so that we can advise you where to go.
We very much look forward to seeing you