
If you would like to arrange a wedding the relevant church. Alternatively, please contact: :
Revd Keith Magee 07766 645135
The service includes prayers and readings, hymns, vows and promises and the exchange of rings by the couple, the blessing of the marriage and its formal registration through the issuing of the wedding certificate. Provision can and often is made actively to involve family and friends in the service. People are very often pleasantly surprised both as to the depth and meaning of the Church of England Marriage Service and the more practical considerations such as cost and flexibility in the use of a large building.
The clergy at St. Peter’s, St. Mary’s and St. George’s make bookings for weddings up to two years or more in advance. They are always pleased to talk with any couple thinking about marrying in church, or those who may wish for a service of blessing in church following a civic wedding, and also couples who would like to mark a significant wedding anniversary with a service of thanksgiving in church.

For more information on Weddings go to the Church of England website.