Groups at St George's
Coffee and Craft Group
Come and join us for coffee and craft every other Thursday from 1.30-3.30pm in the church. Bring along your own project, or see if there is something that you can help with. We try to create items to sell at our fairs and events throughout the year such as wreaths, scarfs, blankets or jewellery. The tea and coffee flow as freely as the conversation and it is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends.

Community Larder & Hot Soup Lunch
Meets every Wednesday at 12.30pm until 1.30pm in the church. Come for a chat, enjoy a hot soup lunch and a pastry and for those struggling with the cost of living crisis there is a bag of store cupboard ingredients that can be collected. All are welcome!

St George's Bellringers
Ringing times: From 30 minutes to 5 minutes before services start. Practice night: Tuesday, 19:00 - 20:30.
Visiting ringers and learners are always welcome to come along. If you are aged 11 years or older and would like to find out more about ringing the bells at St George's Church then please contact the Vicar.
About the Bells
Originally there were just six bells in the tower at St George's Church. The whole bell-ringing chamber and the bell tower were refitted in 1906, and two spaces were left to accommodate the additional two bells required to ring a peal. In the year 2000, the bells were rehung with modern fittings and retuned, in remembrance of Diane Tocock.
In May 2005, after 99 years of waiting, the six bells were augmented to eight. The two new bells were cast in Whitechapel on 4th March 2005, at a cost of £16,000, and were installed by Bridport-based specialists Nicholson Engineers. The bells were dedicated at a special service on 19th June 2005, when members of the Guild of Ringers in the region were present.
Weight: Tenor - 13 - 1 - 19 Note G
Treble - 3 - 3 - 20
Bells 5 and 7 date back to the 15th Century.
St George's Dragons
St George's Dragons is the Sunday club for children aged 3+ at St George's Church.
The Dragons meet every Sunday morning during term time. They meet in the church at the start of the morning service (10:15) and then go to the church hall for their own stories, games and activities, before reporting back to the congregation before the end of the service.
The children can be picked up by their parents during coffee time after church - approximately 11:15am.
The children receive informal yet structured religious education, interspersed with games, craftwork, songs and prayers and any other activities the leaders can invent!
Occasionally, the children stay in Church for the whole service, such as Mothering Sunday, Easter, Harvest and Christmas. Our teachers are very experienced and they meet together regularly to plan and to review an exciting programme of activities and events.
We welcome new children at any time, whether it is for a one-off because they are staying with friends and family who attend St George’s, or on a more regular basis.