The Children's Society
The Children’s Society is a national charity supported by the Church of England, its Bishops, and Archbishops. Locally, the Dorchester and District Appeals Committee support the work of the Children’s Society with regular fundraising events including a plant sale in May, a Cream Tea in the summer and a Quiz and Coffee and Cake morning with stalls in the autumn with one- off events with interesting speakers. At Christmas, the committee is involved with Christingle services and carol singing to raise funds and promote the work of the Children’s Society. Volunteers from the churches to help with these events or willing to join the committee to plan them would be very welcome.
In the past, the Children’s Society ran children’s homes and provided fostering and adoption services, but now its focus is young people aged 10-18 years who are facing difficulties. There are projects working with young carers, those who have experienced domestic abuse at home, those vulnerable to abuse exploitation and more recently, among those waiting for mental health support as well as supporting lone child asylum seekers.
Each year the Children’s Society produces The Good Childhood Report as it promotes the wellbeing and happiness as the right of every child. The statistics from the report inform campaigns among them; improved access to free school meals and affordable school uniforms.
Most importantly the Children’s Society seeks to bring hope to children, as Christingle candles show, the Christ light shining in the darkness.