Groups at St Mary's
Craft Group
The Craft Group meet on Monday afternoon between 2pm and 4pm in the Choir Vestry except for the third Monday when the Monday Club takes place in the hall. Just come along with anything you are making – knitting, sewing, drawing, painting, etc and join us for a natter and tea & coffee.
Contact: Cynthia Fry,
Telephone: 01305 573 076
Lay Pastoral Assistants
We have six LPAs at St Mary’s who regularly take communion out to the sick and do hospital and pastoral visiting. There is a votive candle stand and a book for prayer requests which are offered up each Sunday.
During the year a Meditative Communion with Prayers for Wholeness and Healing takes place on the 2nd Sunday at 6pm, where the laying on of hands and anointing is offered.
Contact: Kath Joslin
Telephone: 01305 268 803
Olive Branch
Olive Branch is a well-established social group for ladies at St Mary’s. It has been running for 25 years and at present there are about 15 members, meeting monthly in each others’ houses.
Contact: Joyce Potter
Telephone: 01305 262 041
St Mary's Church Cleaning
The Cleaning team meet on the last Thursday of the month between 10am -12noon except August. Brass cleaning, dusting, polishing, we can find a job to suit all. Coffee, cake, fellowship and a warm welcome to all.
Social committee
St Mary’s hold a range of social events throughout the year bringing the community together including those who do not come to church. From Bingo, Beetle drive and Pudding evenings to Quiz Nights and Parish Lunches. We are always looking for new ideas…any suggestions welcome.
For over twenty years St Mary’s has hosted regular Taizé worship at 6:00 pm on the 1st Sunday of each month, attracting an ecumenical congregation drawn from Dorchester and the surrounding area. The service, held in the intimacy of the chancel, is a mixture of prayer and chant together with a reading and reflection. Each month the service reflects the church's seasons and themes. Everyone from anywhere is welcome to join us for this special, deeply spiritual and atmospheric worship experience. Let the prayers speak to you; feel you can join in the chants or just remain silent, letting the music penetrate your being. And you can give yourself time and space to be in the presence of God during the short period of silence
A strong team of twelve are responsible for the flower arrangements in St Mary’s. The arrangers hold sales to raise funds and are also keen to encourage those who wish to donate for altar flowers in memory or in celebration of loved ones to do so. This helps keep our church looking beautiful.