Churches Together
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Week of Prayer For Christian Unity is observed in countries across the world and this year's material was prepared by an ecumenical community in Northern Italy. The focus was on belief as we mark 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea which produced the Nicene Creed. We were invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus from John 11:17-27 with Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: “Do you believe this?”
In Dorchester we held joint services on both Sundays in the Storehouse and St George's Churches and daily times of prayer, most followed by lunch. It is good to worship and pray together and to be open to our different styles of worship and perspectives on our shared faith, to learn more of God through our sharing with each other.
Chaplaincy in Troubled Times
The fire that destroyed the Gorge cafe in December has left a huge scar in our town centre. The barrier across South Street protects us from any further falling masonry but it also has serious consequences for our shopping and access to the shops and businesses in Hardye Arcade and the lower end of South Street. It takes a bit more effort to use Napper's Court and the signed alley or route through Gould's but the retailers really appreciate the effort when we do. The timing of the fire, just before the Christmas peak, mean real difficulties for them and the chaplaincy team try to support them by listening to their worries and pass on their concerns, not only about creating a path as soon as possible but also asking for regular updates on progress.
Christian Cancer Support
A small group now meets monthly at the Community Church in Poundbury for those affected by cancer, either personally or who support family members or friends. it offers emotional and spiritual support and prayer for people. It is linked to the national organisation Firm Roots, and enquiries can be made to Mike Briggs at Meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month, 2.00-3.30pm for a cuppa and chat, a time of Biblical reflection and prayer for people affected by cancer. There is also a gathering for chat and coffee on the first Wednesday afternoon of each month. Whilst the Christian faith of Firm Roots is demonstrated by the motto 'Strength for today and hope for tomorrow' it is open to everyone of all faiths or none.
Opportunity for Charities
Dorchester United Church holds a coffee morning on Wednesday mornings to coincide with their Shoppers' Service. Local charities are invited to contact them to hold fundraising stalls at one of these. A different charity each week raises funds from those coming for the refreshments offered by the church. Contact the church on or 01305 262421 on Mondays and Wednesdays 3.00-5.00pm.
New Groups at the Quiet Space
We were particularly pleased to welcome a group of Indian Orthodox Christians fpr worship and prayer in the Quiet Space in December. They appreciated the space and are planning to return regularly throughout the year.
There are now groups for a wide range of activities and interests, from Tai Chi to mindfulness, singing therapy, prayer for healing, Project Linus (quilt making for hospital babies and others who need them) the RSPB and Pilates. We also welcome anyone to our weekly times for Tea and Conversation on Monday afternoons 2.00-4.00pm. For more information on any of these contact me, Val Potter on or 01305 264416.