The church is now open again during the daytime. Nearest postcode: DT2 9LG
Safeguarding Safeguarding Representative: Revd Keith Magee: 07766 645135 Dorchester and the Winterbournes Team Ministry takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously.
Team Vicar: Revd Teresa Stewart-Sykes 01305 549242 Associate Clergy: Revd Joanna Lacy-Smith 01305 889 476 Churchwarden: Roddy Kilpatrick 01305 889238 Churchwarden: Ellie Sturrock 07980 089 470
The following information is specifically for those planning a visit one of the churches in our benefice.
Whichever church you visit, you'll receive a warm welcome. We're delighted to see you and make you feel at home. Most of our services are on a Sunday, but there are quite a few across the week.
The types of services differ across our churches, and we'd like to find one that suits you. First, have a look at the Church Calendar to see what's going on and, second, if you have any questions, contact the church or fill out the form below. We're really happy to help.
Children are always welcome but it's best to check with the individual church to see if there is a specific activity for them