SS Simon and Jude, Winterborne Herringston and Winterborne Monkton
Our small rural church dates from the 13th Century and is situated in the hamlet of Winterborne Monkton, nestled in the valley south of Maiden Castle, two miles from Dorchester. The church is shared with the hamlet of Winterborne Herringston, whose associations with it are historic.
We worship once a month, on the first Sunday at 11.15am with Holy Communion using the BCP. For family based services a more modern, simpler format is used. With a working farm at the heart of the village, we make a special point of celebrating Plough Sunday, Rogation, Lammas and Harvest.
The church is still supported by the local community, and a small band of volunteers ensure the church is well cared for. It is always a pleasure to welcome visitors and parents with children, who enjoy the interactive nature of special family services. Well behaved dogs also welcome!
Despite facing difficulties with congregation size and fund raising, the residents in Monkton see the church as a focal point. Weddings, christenings and funerals may all held here, along with fiddle music lessons by a local resident, who prides the church on its acoustics.
The church is open every weekend between 10 and 4pm, or by special arrangement with the church wardens.
Nearest postcode: DT2 9PT
Safeguarding Representative Peter Vojak 01305 265 994
Dorchester and the Winterbournes Team Ministry takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously. Read more...
Who's Who
Team Rector: Revd Keith Magee 07766 645135
Churchwarden: Charles Norman 01305 262 719
Churchwarden: Judy Norman 01305 262 719 or 07880 700926
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