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St Mary the Virgin, Dorchester



St Mary’s is a vibrant and lively worshipping community of Christians: we value individuals, we seek to nurture Christian discipleship and we enjoy our common life together.

The worshipping community at St Mary’s Church, Edward Road, Dorchester welcomes you as a valued member of our community. The main services on Sunday are at 9.45am (a Sung Community Eucharist with choir, servers and incense!) and, on the first Sunday of the month, 8.00am (a quiet and reflective Said Eucharist). We welcome children and young people at our services and encourage them to get involved in church life through serving and becoming members of our choir. We have a children’s church space where our young people can meet. There is a selection of books, drawing material and toys. There is a Said Eucharist on Tuesday at 9.30am. These services all use Common Worship resources. St Mary’s Church hosts the Team’s Taize Service and Healing Eucharist, while a Contemplative Prayer Group adds further to our spiritual development, meeting on Wednesday evenings.

The ministry of hospitality is an important aspect of our church life. Quizzes, lunches and social activities reflect a full pattern of important moments in the Church’s year. The well appointed Church Hall and Gardens off Alexandra Road provides a great venue for these activities; while ample car parking makes access easy.

We have a beautiful church, which is well maintained, it is a quiet place of spiritual peace: we welcome you.

Contact: Rev. Jimmy Holden. 
Telephone: 01305 266502
Note: Working Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday

Nearest postcode: DT1 2HL

Safeguarding. Dorchester and the Winterbournes Team Ministry takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously. Representative:  Peter Vojak 01305 265 994 


Who's Who

Churchwarden:  Janet Cooper 01305 260259
Verger:  Cynthia Fry 01305 573 076 
Hall Bookings:  John Williams

There are no upcoming events in this month.
Monday 24th February
Wednesday 26th February
Thursday 27th February
Friday 28th February
Saturday 1st March
Monday 10th March
Wednesday 12th March
Thursday 13th March
Friday 14th March - Today
Saturday 15th March
Monday 17th March
Wednesday 19th March
Thursday 20th March
Friday 21st March
Saturday 22nd March
Monday 31st March
Wednesday 2nd April
Thursday 3rd April
Friday 4th April
Saturday 5th April
Hello and welcome to our churches. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit one of the churches in our benefice.

Where and When

Whichever church you visit, you'll receive a warm welcome. We're delighted to see you and make you feel at home. Most of our services are on a Sunday, but there are quite a few across the week.

Our Services

The types of services differ across our churches, and we'd like to find one that suits you. First, have a look at the Church Calendar to see what's going on and, second, if you have any questions, contact the church or fill out the form below. We're really happy to help.

What about my kids?

Children are always welcome but it's best to check with the individual church to see if there is a specific activity for them



Get in touch with us to plan your visit


If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.


keith-magee 0-2    
Rev. Keith Magee    
Keith is our Team Rector. #    
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home in our churches.