The V&V Magazine

About the magazine

The V&V Magazine is the parish magazine for the parishes of The Winterbournes (Winterborne St Martin, Winterbourne Abbas and Winterbourne Steepleton) and Compton Valence.

It is published monthly (with the exception of January and July) and runs to approximately 28 pages. 

How to get your copy

The V&V Magazine is distributed free to households in the Parish of The Winterbournes and the Parish of Compton Valence. It is also available from the four churches in these parishes.

Contribute to the magazine

It would be much appreciated if copy is supplied electronically as a text doc (Microsoft Word etc) with any accompanying images as JPEG files.

All copy must reach the Editor by 5pm on the 15th of the preceding month in order to be included.

Advertise in the magazine

Current rates and specifications enquiries, and advertisement copy for each month's issue, to the Editor.


Graham Herbert

1 Cowleaze

01305 889786

info [at]